Thursday, July 17, 2014

Bad News..

Hey guys. So, I haven't been posting in a while, and I am going to explain why. Since I started this blog, I have made friends, like Mint, Maddie, and a few others. I have also found out, that I don't enjoy posting about Ag as much as I used, when I first started this blog. The problem for me, is that I don't have very much to post about! I love taking pictures, but it is such a pain to upload the onto my computer! So, I basically can only take snap shots on the screen, and just do posts without pictures. I mostly did updates, which doesn't happen very often, so I was kind of running out of ideas. I think I am going to delete this blog.

Now, that doesn't mean I will stop using Ag dolls, but I will just stop posting about them. I am trying to convince my parents to let me use my Youtube account, so you can see more of me there. I will be posting videos about Littlest pet shops, though. I will also continue to view Mint, Maddie, and everyone else's blog, because I still support you guys! Thank you for supporting me! My Youtube account name thing, is Lps Reflections, I think? Its either Lps Reflections, or Lps Reflection. I can't remember XD
 On another note, Maddie, I have finished your drawing, but my video thing is being mean again, so I wont be able to post it. I apologize!!!! :(
And, also I have no clue what I am going to call it, but I will have a new blog about Lps when I get the Youtube account. (Well, if.)

Anyway, thanks to everyone who viewed my blog. You guys are the best :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Since it seems that people enjoyed my drawing of Saige for Mint, I will be doing a drawing for each of my dolls as soon as possible, and posting them on my blog! Also, I encourage you guys to request drawings, because they are so fun to do, and I love to draw! Thanks guys!

For Mint

Hi everyone! I made a video showing the finished product of Mint's drawing of Saige! My voice is pitched, and you will see why at the beginning of the video! Also, ignore the chipmunk-sounding giggle at the end XD I have no idea why I did that part. Enjoy Mint!