Thursday, August 21, 2014


Hey guys! This  is a pic of my dog! His name is buddy, and he is SOOO awesome. So yeah, enjoy his cuteness!


I'M BACK!!!!!!! I HAVE RETURNED, AND YAY! The reason I came back, is cause I realized that I couldn't leave my friends behind. :)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Bad News..

Hey guys. So, I haven't been posting in a while, and I am going to explain why. Since I started this blog, I have made friends, like Mint, Maddie, and a few others. I have also found out, that I don't enjoy posting about Ag as much as I used, when I first started this blog. The problem for me, is that I don't have very much to post about! I love taking pictures, but it is such a pain to upload the onto my computer! So, I basically can only take snap shots on the screen, and just do posts without pictures. I mostly did updates, which doesn't happen very often, so I was kind of running out of ideas. I think I am going to delete this blog.

Now, that doesn't mean I will stop using Ag dolls, but I will just stop posting about them. I am trying to convince my parents to let me use my Youtube account, so you can see more of me there. I will be posting videos about Littlest pet shops, though. I will also continue to view Mint, Maddie, and everyone else's blog, because I still support you guys! Thank you for supporting me! My Youtube account name thing, is Lps Reflections, I think? Its either Lps Reflections, or Lps Reflection. I can't remember XD
 On another note, Maddie, I have finished your drawing, but my video thing is being mean again, so I wont be able to post it. I apologize!!!! :(
And, also I have no clue what I am going to call it, but I will have a new blog about Lps when I get the Youtube account. (Well, if.)

Anyway, thanks to everyone who viewed my blog. You guys are the best :)

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Since it seems that people enjoyed my drawing of Saige for Mint, I will be doing a drawing for each of my dolls as soon as possible, and posting them on my blog! Also, I encourage you guys to request drawings, because they are so fun to do, and I love to draw! Thanks guys!

For Mint

Hi everyone! I made a video showing the finished product of Mint's drawing of Saige! My voice is pitched, and you will see why at the beginning of the video! Also, ignore the chipmunk-sounding giggle at the end XD I have no idea why I did that part. Enjoy Mint!


Sunday, June 29, 2014


I'M BACK! And, we have a WHOLE LOT OF UPDATES. Ag updated their site A LOT. Here are some pics: (Keep in mind this is not all of the new stuff, go check out their site for more)
                                                                  Pets and pet stuff:

This is just some of the pet stuff! I find it RIDICULOUS that they made OUTFITS. FOR. PETS. Just my opinion :D
 Now for the furniture:

 And the Outfits: (Just some)
 Camping stuff:

 Overall, I am not particularly happy with the new updates. Oh and btw, there is also a new doll, #61! I would buy her, but 1. I am broke XD 2. I have enough dolls as it is :D Yeah, the puppies strike me as stuffed animals. They don't look high quality at all. This is again, just my opinion, so please no hate if you think differently!
  In other news, Mint, I finished your drawing, but my video recording was being weird, so I didn't get to do the speed draw! :( I will scan and upload you drawing of Saige as soon as possible! :)

That's all for now, BYE! :P

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I won't be able to post for a few days sadly, and also I wont be able to do the speed draw for Mint4Agdolls. I am SOO sorry Mint! :(

Again, sorry Mint and everyone else,