Sunday, June 29, 2014


I'M BACK! And, we have a WHOLE LOT OF UPDATES. Ag updated their site A LOT. Here are some pics: (Keep in mind this is not all of the new stuff, go check out their site for more)
                                                                  Pets and pet stuff:

This is just some of the pet stuff! I find it RIDICULOUS that they made OUTFITS. FOR. PETS. Just my opinion :D
 Now for the furniture:

 And the Outfits: (Just some)
 Camping stuff:

 Overall, I am not particularly happy with the new updates. Oh and btw, there is also a new doll, #61! I would buy her, but 1. I am broke XD 2. I have enough dolls as it is :D Yeah, the puppies strike me as stuffed animals. They don't look high quality at all. This is again, just my opinion, so please no hate if you think differently!
  In other news, Mint, I finished your drawing, but my video recording was being weird, so I didn't get to do the speed draw! :( I will scan and upload you drawing of Saige as soon as possible! :)

That's all for now, BYE! :P


  1. Yay! I'm glad you are back! I'm super excited for the drawing! :) Also, when you post the drawing is it ok if I repost it onto my blog and say that you made I'll be giving you a shoutout. :)

    ~ Mint

  2. That is totally awesomely okay! I have been having trouble scanning pictures lately though, so it may be a few days :(

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like the apricot poodle, Isabelle's new set, and the karate outfit. I want to see the coconut cute outfit and camp outfit closer. I am not sure about them yet.

  5. Thanks so much for viewing my blog! I really appreciate it! I also like the coconut cutie outfit! :D
    ~Alli =D
