Tuesday, May 6, 2014

GOOD MORNING!!!! Today, I will be listing all of the current historical characters, then listing the retired ones separately.
                                                Current Historical Characters:
Caroline Abbot- 1812

Marie-Grace Gardener and Cecile Ray- 1853

Kaya- 1764

Rebecca Rubin- 1914

Josefina Montoya- 1824

Julie Allright and Ivy Ling- 1974

Addy Walker- 1864

Kit Kitteredge and Ruthie Smithens- 1934

                                          Retired Historical Characters:

Samantha Parkington and Nellie O'Malley- 1904

Molly Mclantire and Emily Bennet- 1944

Kirsten Larson- 1854

Felicity Merriman and Elizabeth Cole- 1774

                                                           That's all for  now! BYE!!!!

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