Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hi guys! I might not be able to post tomorrow, (Mother's Day) so I will post today.
      I just got my new doll at the AG store!!!! Guess which one! Drum  roll please................ #55!!!!!
Okay, so she's SO AWESOME! Her name is Carly, she has dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and light skin. OH, and freckles. Can't forget the freckles!
      I think she is a beautiful doll overall. I will be making a video about her, but I already opened her, so I won't be opening her for you guys. She comes with: The charm necklace, tan boots, a gray skirt, a pink shirt, and the information to make an account on Here is the link to the web site:   
       I gave the little pamphlet to my friend Cinapaw, because she just has Kit, Rebecca, and McKenna. (No My American Girl dolls) BTW, just in case you don't know the American girl doll website, here is the link for that, too:
                                                      That's all for now! BYE!!!                                            


  1. I know I saw her so cute thank you for the code btw!!! Great job on the video!!! :)

  2. Yeah, no problem! BTW, thx. XD
