Sunday, June 29, 2014


I'M BACK! And, we have a WHOLE LOT OF UPDATES. Ag updated their site A LOT. Here are some pics: (Keep in mind this is not all of the new stuff, go check out their site for more)
                                                                  Pets and pet stuff:

This is just some of the pet stuff! I find it RIDICULOUS that they made OUTFITS. FOR. PETS. Just my opinion :D
 Now for the furniture:

 And the Outfits: (Just some)
 Camping stuff:

 Overall, I am not particularly happy with the new updates. Oh and btw, there is also a new doll, #61! I would buy her, but 1. I am broke XD 2. I have enough dolls as it is :D Yeah, the puppies strike me as stuffed animals. They don't look high quality at all. This is again, just my opinion, so please no hate if you think differently!
  In other news, Mint, I finished your drawing, but my video recording was being weird, so I didn't get to do the speed draw! :( I will scan and upload you drawing of Saige as soon as possible! :)

That's all for now, BYE! :P

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I won't be able to post for a few days sadly, and also I wont be able to do the speed draw for Mint4Agdolls. I am SOO sorry Mint! :(

Again, sorry Mint and everyone else,

Friday, June 20, 2014


1,010 PAGE VIEWS!!! Well, most of them were probably mine, but still! YAY! Also, I am going to change my blog a whole bunch. Like a lot. So beware..............BOO.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Hi everyone! Today, I want to give a shout out to Mint for commenting on my blog! I am so happy!
  In other news, I am now taking speed draw Ag and Lps requests! Comment you Lps model number, or describe for Lps Speed draws. For Ag, comment your doll's name, and which doll it is. Thanks guys!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

 Dear viewers,
    Welcome to chatting with Charlotte, a talk show that I made up 3 minutes ago. Today, we will be taking a look at two versions of me. Ahh, my favorite topic! I am the prettiest doll in the family, because of my beautiful hair. So, here is me, as a normal doll:
Then, there's me as an avatar on
Below my real self!
                  Here is my character on Inner star u. I am not nearly as cute, and I look nothing like my real self.

Well, that's all for now, so I will see you next time, on "chatting with Charlotte!" LOVE, Charlotte <3

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Hi guys! I'm posting this on meh Kindle fire, so it takes a while. Any who, I wanted to warn you guys about some new stuff. So, as soon as I get more people to check out meh blog, I am hopefully gonna have an awesome contest! I also will be adding a new page, as well as updating the "my dolls" section. That's all for now! BYE!!!

hey guys! Here are some pics from My user name is Ally2678, so feel free to friend me ;D

Sorry, they're in such a random order :3 Well, I will hopefully make a video about sometime soon, but until then..... That's all for now, BYE! :B

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Today, I don't know. Just, uh happy almost summer? At least for me! :D Yeah, well. Random fact that you guys probably don't care about: My grandma got me a tiny sock monkey ornament, and I am using it as a stuffed animal for my AG dolls. So yeah, Really no other news. Umm, I guess that's all. BYE

Friday, June 6, 2014

I don't know........

A beautiful collection of flowers for you:

I don't even know. Well, Happy Friday! ~Alli <3

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Hi my people! I don't know what I am posting about today, so.......... Here is my friend Smartypaws' new channel trailer for her Youtube Channel:

                      Make sure to check out her channel! Video by Smartypawz Jamaa

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad found time yesterday to get out my LPS from the rafters, and I had forgotten how CUTE they are! OMG, they're like totes adorable! I will make another page for LPS so my Ag, and Lps don't mix! :D I will post more later, but this is all for now! BYE

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hiya guys! Since tomorrow we have school, I will post again today! So, I wanted to share a story with you guys:
            Once Upon a time..................
There was a girl named myself. No, actually her name was Alli :B Well, when she was about 4 years old, she got a LPS house set for her Birthday. She loved that house, and began to collect LPS. When she was about 8, she decided she didn't like LPS anymore, and her dad shoved them into a bag, and into the rafters above their garage. For the past few days, Alli has been viewing and subbing LPS videos and collectors. Today, she asked her dad to take them out of the rafters, and hopefully that will happen this week. THE END
  Well, the point of this story, is to tell you guys to look out for 2 things: LPS vids on my blog! And this is very unlikely, but a very slim chance of a Youtube channel. It all depends on my parents XD

That's all for now, BYE! :P
Hey guys! So, today I will be posting the info of the new Isabelle movie, coming out in July. I copied this stuff from the AG site:

Isabelle Dances into the Spotlight Movie-Viewing Event

She can be among the first to see American Girl’s newest movie—starring Isabelle, our 2014 Girl of the Year! Join us for the store premiere of Isabelle Dances into the Spotlight, the all-new movie inspired by Isabelle’s stories. She’ll also catch the premiere of Isabelle’s Dance Jam, an exclusive dance video starring girls from all over the country, and get a special goody bag to take home. Reservations required. For girls ages 8 and up.

Event details by store

   I can't wait to see it! Well, that's all for now, BYE!